3e Finances

Current annual income (dollars used during 2022) - $798,276.  

Current annual expenses (dollars budgeted for 2022): $797,246.

This 2023 proposed budget was approved. 

Considering total budgeted expenses for the year, compare total ministerial support. What is the percentage? 31%

Has the church ever failed to pay its financial obligations to a minister of the church?   No

Is your church 5-for-5, i.e., does it include each of the following contributions during the church year? (Indicate those included during the most recent fiscal year)

_x_ Our Church’s Wider Mission (OCWM – Basic Support) 

_x_ One Great Hour of Sharing

_x_ Strengthen the Church (not in 2020 during the pandemic)

_x_ Neighbors in Need (not in 2020 during the pandemic)

_x_ Christmas Fund (not in 2020 during the pandemic)

In what way is OCWM (Basic Support) gathered? If calculated as a percentage of the operating budget, what is that percentage? Budgeted, 6%.  


What is the church’s current indebtedness? 

Total amount of loan debt: $21,373

Reason for debt: Construction and repairs

Are capital and other payments current? Yes

If the church has had capital campaigns in the last ten years, describe:

Between 2014-19, we raised $1.3M of our $1.5M goal to repair the interior and exterior of the church, including fire safety and access installations, roof, parking lot, sound system, bathroom, and office renovations.

In 2020-21, we raised $141,700 to replace the deteriorated stairs to the main entrance of the church.

Describe the prominent mission component(s) involved in the most recent (or current) capital campaign.  Facility upgrade and repair.

Does your church have an endowment? Yes

What is the market value of the assets? $1,626,000 on 06/11/2023

Are funds drawn as needed, regularly, or under certain circumstances?  

We annually withdraw a portion of the earnings and occasionally draw from the principal with congregational approval. 

What is the percentage rate of draw (last year, compared to 5 years ago)? 

5% annually from the earnfings.

Describe draw on endowment, if any, to meet operating budget expenses for the most recent year and the past five years: 

5% of the average value of the last five years is withdrawn each year.

At the current rate of draw, how long might the endowment last?  Scores and scores of years.

Please comment on the above calculations or estimates: Accurate. 

Other Assets

Reserves (savings): $30,000 as of 06/11/2023

Investments (other than endowment): 

There is approximately $650,000 in operating and reserve funds as of May 31, 2023.

  • $445,000 Operating Fund ($175,000 is for FCLC)

  • $59,000 in a Capital Campaign fund ( used as needed for larger building maintenance)

  • $132,000 Pastoral Support Funds (currently invested in two CDs)

Does your church have a parsonage? No

Describe all buildings owned by the church: 

The entire church building at 1047 Curtiss Street is nearly 43,000 SF with six levels. Historical Highlights

  • The original 1916 portion of the building houses the parlor, Broadcast Ministries, and the commercial kitchen. 
  • The 1925 addition houses the sanctuary and Fellowship Hall,  PADS showers and laundry facilities, and the mechanicals. 
  • The 1950s addition includes the nursery, Two Way Street Coffee House, library, and conference room. 
  • In 1963, an education wing with 24,000 SF was added. It houses the offices, youth rooms, FCLC, and chapels.

The property at 1101 Curtiss, adjoining the church, is a standalone structure of 7800 SF used for storage with an additional structure of 750 SF used for Community Kitchen distributions.

Describe non-owned buildings or space used or rented by the church: None

Which spaces are accessible to wheelchairs? Our main sanctuary, Fellowship Hall, and all floors of our building are accessible to wheelchairs. Only the pulpit, chancel, and choir lofts are not.

Reflection: After reviewing the church’s finances and assets described above, what does this information reflect about your congregation’s mission and ministry? 
We adhere to a mission of being fiscally responsible. The mission and ministry to our church congregation and our community continues to be responsive and expansive.