It is our vision to engage every age group in nurturing a deeper understanding of our relationship with God through teaching or discussion that promotes Biblical literacy and spiritual maturity. Our Faith Formation ministry is centered on the shared values of nurturing faith as a lifelong journey and engaging with Scripture. These roots sustain our efforts to live those values, to lead with love, embrace diversity, share joy, hope, and kindness, all while holding sacred God’s creation.
Since October 2019, Faith Formation for youth and adults has been assumed by Transitional Pastor Michelle McNamara with administrative assistance from temporary part-time staff. We have two new Directors of Sunday School who have brought energy and excitement to our programs and dedicated lay volunteers have enriched our Sunday School and Confirmation programs. The Faith Formation Ministry has laid the groundwork for a program recovering from the loss of momentum due to the pandemic.
We envision our new Pastor of Faith Formation working toward building a cohesive program connecting the same theological framework across all age groups. Our current class offerings include curricula for all ages and could be the basis for a reimagined Faith Formation journey.