Serving in our Church

Our lives require much of us. The church invites us to share the most meaningful aspects of our lives with those around us when we are ready. If you find joy in teaching, then teach; if you are energized by serving those marginalized, then the Community Kitchen or Hope’s Front Door might be for you; if singing lifts your spirit, one of our choirs could be for you; connect to find more opportunities.

Community Kitchen (CK)

The Community Kitchen serves the food impoverished and those temporarily unsheltered by providing food and other essentials. Find out more.

Social Justice

We are a community dedicated to acts of living God’s social justice in a world the often feels unjust.

Faith Formation

Faith Formation is a matter of reflection. It happens in a variety of setting; a traditional classroom, when serving the wider community, when stretching ourselves beyond our normal comfort zones, any of these and more. How are these helping you encounter the risen Christ in your life and in the other?


Each Sunday Ushers are needed to pass out bulletins, help people find seats, collect offerings and occasionally help guide congregation in receiving communion.
Contact Dirk Gutzke, head usher.


GREETERS are positioned at the two main entrances to provide an extravagant
welcome to all members and visitors.
Contact Linda Schranz to sign up.

LITURGIST: For those who do not mind public speaking, each week a
member of the congregation is selected to share the scripture during worship.
Contact Ralph Anderson.