Many Ways to Get Involved

Our Mission and Justice Ministry promotes awareness and action on local and global programs that align with God’s vision for a just and loving society. We are called to personal action as the hands and feet of Jesus in the modern world.

Our denomination and congregation have a long-standing history of mission and justice. We started in the 60's with the civil rights movement. We’ve been advocating for gay rights since the 70's. We took on environmental racism in the 80's. In 2005, we, the United Church of Christ, were the first church in America to endorse marriage equality. This call to mission and justice is crucial and it speaks directly to our vision: A more just, compassionate world, united in God’s love.

“What does God require of you but to do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8

In Our Church

Feeding your imagination for hope, mercy, and restorative justice begins inside the congregation. Sometimes we believe literally feeding sparks the best outcomes, othertimes this is metephorical. The Spirit is still-speaking, and we are listening and engaging in the convertion, come join us.

In Our Community

Our Mission calls us into the community, the society to work for God’s vision of Justice, and to promote awareness and action on local and global programs that align with God’s vision for a just and loving society. We are called to personal action as the hands and feet of Jesus in the modern world.