
Our Worship Services

Every church has its own style and order of worship. We say, at the beginning of church every Sunday, “No Matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey you are welcome here,”. Those are more than just words to us. We mean it!

In worship together and beyond the walls of the church building, we seek to give glory to God, deepen our relationship with Christ and with one another. Here we believe in Good News that really is GOOD!

At First Congregational you will find worship that engages the mind, the body, and the soul; in song, in scripture, and in liturgy. We engage scripture, its context, its meaning, and its challenge to us in our day to day lives. While we take the Bible seriously, we do not believe that we hold the corner market on its interpretation, nor do we take it inerrantly. Come join us for worship SUNDAYS at 9:30am

Learn More

  • Sunday School

    What should we know about Sunday School Offerings? Find out more by using the button below.

  • Past Services

    Coudn’t make it to chuch? Interested in discovering what our services our like? Check out some of these video recordings of our past services.

  • Music Ministry

    Discover the wonderous ways our church worships through music.