3b 11-Year Report

Here is the current report. 

3c Congregational Demographics

Congregational Demographics

Percentage of adults in various employment types:

We do not collect or estimate employment information.

Describe the range of occupations of working adults in the congregation:

The majority of the congregation are professionals specializing in education, healthcare, business, and the arts.   

Describe the mix of ethnic heritages in your congregation, and the overall racial make-up. Most UCC congregations tend to describe themselves as “diverse.” Yet, the vast majority of UCC congregations are mono-cultural. What does diversity mean in your context?

We are diverse socio-economically with a mix of blue collar and white collar. We estimate our congregation to be 5% non-Caucasian including: Asian, Native American, African, and Hispanic. We are Open and Affirming (ONA).

Has your congregation recently had a conversation about welcoming diversity, or do you plan to hold one in the near future (perhaps using, for example, the Welcoming Diversity Inventory)? 

We have not engaged  in a formal dialog about how we can intentionally be more diverse outside of our normal welcome and hospitality, but we are very open to do so. We do hold conversations about race and points of disadvantage/advantage due to race and poverty from the pulpit, in Faith Formation, and in our ministries.  

3d Participation and Staffing

Meet our staff.

Because of the pandemic our programming changed drastically with everything possible moving online. In-person programming and attendance is expanding in 2022-23 as members become more comfortable participating in person.

  • 2023 Staffing

    Reflection: After reviewing the congregational demographics and activities above, what does this information reflect about your congregation’s overall ministry? 

    We believe that our staffing reflects our commitment to grow beyond 20th century models of ministry.  We are emphasizing relational ministry and staffing to reach beyond the walls of our church facility while maintaining several traditional positions.

  • List all members or regular participants in your congregation who are ordained, licensed, or commissioned ministers. Indicate those with current United Church of Christ Three-Way Covenants (i.e., serving in a congregation) or Four-Way Covenants (i.e., serving in a ministry beyond a congregation).